Tie along with Mike and learn these techniques:
The Rope Wrap
Turn & Look
Rotate to the Top
Wrap in Reverse
Clear the Way
Fold & Wrap
Ready the Thread & the Head
The Roly Poly
Mike has slected 6 standardfly patterns to demonstrate these techniques.
The Adams
Ginger Flymph
Little Brook Trout
Partridge & Green
Mike has been tying with a Rotary Vise for over 20 years and developed these techniques during that time. When his fly tying students started requesting lessons specifically for Rotary Fly Tying, he introduced the techniques to them and the techniques were a hit. As they were when later demonstrated on Harry Vanderweide's show, Northeast Journal, and seen on NESN and the Outdoor channel.
The introduction of these techniques was well received by the TV audience, as indicated by ther calls to Renzetti Vise, who sponsored the shows. The acceptance of these techniques by fly tying students and the TV audience led to the production of this DVD.
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