The amazing story of George Washington Perry’s world record bass catch on June 2, 1932 has been well documented in books, magazines & newspapers. But who was he? That’s no longer a mystery, thanks to interviews with dozens of people, all eager to share their memories in this fascinating story of the rest of his 42 years of life & times after the catch. He became the only angler to twice win the Field & Stream magazine Big Fish Contest, became a master mechanic who could fix anything, & later took over as manager of the Brunswick, Georgia Air Park where his generosity made it possible for many Brunswick teenagers to learn to fly.
Readers will learn of his quirky personality, as well as nicknames he bestowed on family members & friends. You will chuckle over anecdotes shared by those who knew him best, read about his being sued in federal court by the FBI & other agencies, & read testimonials written after his tragic death in a plane crash near Birmingham, Alabama, on Jan. 23, 1974.
The former outdoor editor of The Augusta Chronicle (1964-2000), Bill Baab has written for numerous magazines including Bassmaster. He is considered the world's authority on George Perry & his world record bass, & this book represents over 25 years of research.
"I have just started to read some of the selections. I cannot begin to tell you how much I am enjoying them. You have beautifully awarded Perry with the honor that he deserves. He is a true legend in the sport." -- Georgia Governor Sonny Perdue
"A grade of A-plus...I now feel as if I know the legendary angler for the first time & appreciate his other talents, including his flying & repairing or building motors." -- Charles Salter, Outdoor Writer emeritus, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution
"Bill Baab...has placed the man & his fabulous fish in historical context...Carefully researched, well written, & nicely illustrated, this is the definitive work on a famed record fish & the man who caught it. No one know more about the subject than Baab, & it's gratifying to see his life's work take printed form." -- Jim Casada, authot of Fly Fishing in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, in the Spartanburg Herald-Tribune
"A must-have for those who want the definitive story on the world's biggest largemouth bass & the man who caught it." -- Tommy Braswell, The Charleston Post & Courier
"I had the pleasure of reviewing this book in my column...& thought it was great...[It is] particularly fascinating to us collectors because of the detailed discussion of the Creek Chub Bait Company & its varying claims over which lure - & which color - caught this famous fish." -- Robbie Pavey, Outdoor Writer, The Augusta Chronicle
"A well deserved & long awaited tribute. Mr. Perry has long been maligned by some of the bass pros & other oldtimers in the tournament business. He followed the rules of the day & caught a fish that deserves to be recognized...a job well done!" -- Clyde Drury, Author & Noted Bass Fishing History Authority
"Looks & feels so appropriate to the catch that has stood the test of time....the life of George Perry was much more than a fish story. I keep opening up the book to check on accounts, including the presence of a photo of the record fish that for so long everyone said did not exist....[it is] a truly stirring account." -- George Kramer, Bass Fishing With George Kramer
The unofficial historian of the catch [Baab] has spent his life chasing fish in Perry's home state & became an avid fan of the catch...The book encapsulates all of Baab's many years of building the legend of the world-record largemouth....Baab details this catch & many other near misses in his book." -- Frank Sargeant, The Tampa Tribune
"A book that covers Perry from the days when he was a youngster living near McRae to the days he moved to Brunswick & established himself as a pilot & instructor...[it] includes stories written by people who described their memories of Perry...This legendary fisherman has a grave marker, but the engraving does not mention the famous record, only his love of flying. & yet, a big fish is the reason that George Perry is remembered beyond the grave." -- Wayne Ford, Athens Banner-Herald
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