There are forty-six color photographs, many covering the full page, which show the beauty of God's creations on the stream thus making it easy for us to draw close to Him in His grandeur. As a friend recently stated, "I know God does not make all of the world's problems disappear when I'm fishing ... I but it certainly does seem that way." Carefully selected scriptures serve as captions for the photographs with brief personal comments.
In the text of the book I've covered the tactics and fly patterns which I've found effective all across the country for both trout and bass.
The trout angling is divided into separate chapters on spring creeks, small mountain streams and large rivers. Many of the techniques covered are those which friends and I turn to when the normal tactics let us down. Dubious anecdotes with some funny stories about George Anderson, Charlie Brooks, Lefty Kreh, Richard Parks, Ed Shenk, Charley Waterman, Koke Winter and others are used to reveal these tactics.
The smallmouth bass portion of the book explores the tactics and flies we use for this gentleman of the warm water on a seasonal basis. Many different techniques for fishing streamers are covered as we'll as the use of nymphs in the dead drifting method and the swing nymphing style. Basic popping bug fishing is expanded by showing when, where and how to fish the five basic hard head bug styles - the Slider, Darter, Skipping Bug, Flat Faced Bug and Cupped Face Bug. Deer hair bugs are covered, and there is a large section devoted to fishing dry flies for bass, including the skating method which is so exciting to us.
The book ends with a personal statement about "Angling's Ultimate Reward."
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