An intriguing creature with its graceful sail-like dorsal fin, and willing to take your fly almost endlessly, the Arctic grayling is a fish like no other. Add to that its preferred habitat of the cold, clear streams of the northern wilderness and some of your dreams of fishing perfection will come true.
A well-respected guide, instructor, award-winning writer, and volunteer, Pudge Kleinkauf has owned and operated Women's Flyfishing for 22 of the 39 years she has lived and fished in Alaska. An admitted Arctic grayling fanatic, she is just the person to write on this unique fish. With an entertaining style and in-depth information, Fly-Fishing for Alaska's Arctic Grayling includes: the fish and its lifecycle; the art of catching grayling; productive fly patterns; Arctic grayling around Alaska and the world; protecting Arctic grayling; and so much more. Includes the biology and history of Arctic grayling, their habitat and feeding habits, where and how to find them, fly-fishing techniques and equipment, fly patterns, conservation, & lots of Alaska information. Everything you need to know about Arctic grayling, "the flower of the fishes". Don't be surprised if you come under its spell, as have so many anglers before you.
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