LOCATION: The Colorado River below Glen Canyon Dam encompassing the Marble Canyon. Absolutely breath-taking in its beauty & pristine crystal clear cold water with a remarkable population of healthy rainbow trout. Lees Ferry is managed as a trophy trout fishery & the river yields rainbow trout from 16 to 22 inches. & larger. Strong beautiful fish. Some people describe the Colorado River at Lees Ferry as "the world's largest spring creek." In reality, it's a massive, clear running tailwater fishery running 15.5 miles from the outflow of Lake Powell at Glen Canyon Dam to the upper end of the Grand Canyon.
GUIDES: Expert guides Terry Gunn & Jeff English from Lees Ferry Anglers.
FLY TYING: Jim Watt ties a Zebra Midge, a particularly effective fly on the Colorado River.
This DVD is a great way to enjoy & learn about one of America’s great fisheries, that fishes just the same if not better today, than it did decades ago.
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