"The newly published North Dakota Atlas & Gazetteer™ solves the problem for those looking for remote outdoor adventures in the state. It is an excellent outdoor and travel book, containing detailed maps of every township in North Dakota. Whether looking for Writing Rock State Historical Site northeast of Grenora, Skunk Hill northwest of Kidler, or Shell Lake south of Blaisdell, the Gazetteer shows plainly where each is located." —Minot Daily News, March 21, 1999
"And for the angler or outdoorsman, nothing gives you the information you need more quickly, completely or accurately than a DeLorme Mapping Co. State Atlas & Gazetteer™." —Fly Rod & Reel, February 1999
"And if you can afford only one book this year, make it a DeLorme Atlas & Gazetteer™, $16.95. They’re indispensable, containing not only the most detailed road maps available but also summaries on parks, forests, geological features, bicycling and hiking trails, campgrounds, canoe routes, wildlife sites, factory tours, historic sites, art museums, boat trips, hunting areas, scenic drives and fishing spots. Don’t leave home without it." —St. Paul Pioneer Press, November 29, 1998
"For more details than you can ever use in one lifetime, the DeLorme series of Atlas & Gazetteer™ map books are absolutely the best thing going. They combine the detail of a U.S. Geological Survey topographic map with the convenient packaging of a conventional road atlas. Each DeLorme book covers one state, and most states are now available, with more in the works." —San Francisco Chronicle, July 24, 1998
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