We know a good deal about many of the major American rod makers, ranging from Hiram Leonard to Eustis W. Edwards to Lyle Dickerson. But high end fly rod makers like these are just the tip (and a glorious one at that) of the iceberg. From the earliest days of American rod making in the 1830s to the immediate post-World War II era, hundreds if not thousands of men made their living in part or in whole as rod makers. We have documented histories of less than 10% of them. This book is an effort to resurrect the stories of rod makers that span the range of American fishing tackle history, from the beginnings to the 1960s.
Meticulously researched and documented, Forgotten Fly Rods brings to light a number of heretofore unknown rodsmiths including Morgan L. Marshall, Clarence Huntley, Nathan Harrington, Amasa Ward, George Miner, and Andrew Kull. It offers, for the first time, detailed histories of a number of rodsmiths whose stories have been misrepresented or incomplete, such as Will H. Cruttenden, George Morgan, Alonzo Fowler, and Roy F.B. Shaver. And it offers new interpretations and information on known rod makers, including Benjamin Welch, John Conroy, and Thaddeus Norris.
The story of the American fishing rod is much more than just split bamboo, and it goes far beyond just high end fly rods. The stories of these overlooked and underappreciated American rod makers will help us to better understand and appreciate the origins and development of the American fishing rod, and as such should prove of interest to fishing historians, rod collectors, and any anglers inquisitive about how the rod in their hands came into being.
In Forgotten Fly Rods Volume I Dr. Todd Larson has cracked open the door to some of the wonderful rod makers from days gone by. Mitchell, Cruttenden, Welch and others are not well known rod making names like Garrison, Leonard, or Payne. But their stories have much to offer the fisherman of today...I hope all of you will enjoy these nostalgic, but historically well documented steps in the shoes of those who came before us as much as I did. -- Harry Boyd, Noted Rodmaker and Author
A great addition to the library of knowledge on the old less known makers. And a must have for anyone interested in the early years and the makers from those times. A truly deep and needed look at some of the more obscure makers from the past....It has found a place of honor in my library and I know that I will use it as an ID guide. -- Jeff Hatton, author, Rod Crafting
An exciting read. Highly recommended and impeccably is beautifully designed and printed. The many rare illustrations are critical to the story-telling...a must have for every library. -- Patrick Garner, author, Playing With Fire: The Life and Rods of E.W. Edwards
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