What Others Are Saying About This Book:
"All serious collectors of Pflueger tackle…will certainly be enlightened by these chapters and, hopefully, they will be inspired to share additional knowledge they may have that will further define that history." --Robert A. Miller, ORCA Pflueger Pfacts Columnist
"If you want real insight into one of America's earliest fishing tackle manufacturers, you will want to have a copy of Pflueger Profiles. The book will certainly answer the many questions about the Enterprise Manufacturing Company and the family behind this great company. Pflueger Profiles should be a part of your fishing library." --Roger Schulz, The Reel News, (September, 2006)
"An important and highly entertaining contribution to our lore. --Steven K. Vernon, Author, Antique Fishing Reels
"Yyyow! Got mine today and am quite impressed with the spiffy little book...[there's] a ton of information packed into it. Great job!" --Brian Funai, Pflueger Researcher, Historian, and Collector
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