
Skip Morris

Fly Fisher/Fly Tier/Author

There are few names in the world of fly fishing so widely known and solidly established as Skip Morris.

Skip has published nineteen fly-fishing books, including the genuine best-seller (currently in its 22nd printing) Fly Tying Made Clear and Simple. He has also authored many other books including: Fly Tying made Clear and Simple II, Advanced Techniques, The Art of Tying the Nymph, The Art of Tying the Dry Fly, The Art of Tying the Bass Fly, Tying Foam Flies, Concise Handbook of Fly Tying, The Custom Graphite Fly Rod, Morris & Chan on Fly Fishing Trout Lakes (with Brian Chan), Waterproof Fly Fisher's Guide: Western River Hatches, Morris on Tying Flies, Trout Flies for Rivers and his most recent book 365 Fly-Fishing Tips for Trout, Bass, and Panfish. If that isn't enough he's also written over 300 magazine articles on fly fishing in many different publications.

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Listen to Skip Morris's Shows...

Largemouth Bass and Bugs

Skip Morris shares his secrets of finding and catching big largemouth bass as well as tips on tying bass bugs and flies.

Fly Fishing Tips for Trout, Bass and Panfish

Over the many years that Skip Morris has fished and written about fly fishing he's uncovered many nuggets of information that have helped him and others to catch more fish. Whether it's trout, bass or panfish Skip has something to share that will improve your odds. Listen to this podcast and up your game!

500 Trout Streams

What happens when a man who’s fly fished for over fifty years, who’s graduated with a university degree in English, who’s published 19 print-and-paper books on fly-fishing topics with three publishers, decides to spend three years writing his first book of essays about his beloved sport? Can you imagine? Join us to learn how Skip came to write his latest book 500 Trout Streams and hear a few of his favorite stories.

Just a few of the questions asked and answered during the interview:

  • What was the first writing you got published?
  • Do you make notes about your fishing trips to use later in your writing?
  • Do you have a writing routine, if so what is it?
  • What prompted the writing of 500 Trout Streams?
  • What kind of research do you do and how long do you spend researching?
  • Is there still a market for long-form print pieces?
  • Did you really fish 500 trout streams?
  • What is your favorite book on fly fishing by another writer?
  • What authors do you look to for their writing skills and style?
  • Will you be writing more essays in the future?

Salmonflies & Golden Stones

Skip Morris, author of seventeen books on fly fishing, will guide us through the biology and how to fish the salmonfly and golden stonefly. Where, when and how will be covered in depth so the next time you have the opportunity you'll be well prepared to catch more fish.

Fly Tying Made Clear and Simple

Skip Morris is a full-time fly fishing author and speaker who has published 22 books and over 350 magazine articles on fly fishing and fly tying. Skip makes fly tying so simple anyone can do it. If you’re interested in fly tying but haven’t given it a try yet listen in and Skip will provide all the information you need to get started and to be successful.

Just a few of the questions asked and answered during the interview:

  • How did you get started tying flies?
  • Is it more expensive to tie your own flies than to buy them?
  • What tools do I absolutely need to get started tying flies?
  • What should I look for in a good vise?
  • What are the important features of a good bobbin?
  • What are the basic materials needed to get started?
  • What is the difference between the different brands of hooks?
  • What is your go-to thread material?
  • What sizes of thread should I get to begin with?
  • What do the different grades of capes mean?
  • Do you weight your flies or use other methods to get deeper?
  • Do you think adding purple to a dry fly marks it fish better?
  • What tips do you have for tying very small flies?

Skip has written and published over 200 articles on fly fishing and fly tying (along with a smaller number on jazz guitar), which have appeared in the following magazines:
Fly Rod & Reel, Fly Tyer, Fly Fishing and Tying Journal, Warmwater Fly Fishing, Fly Tying, American Angler, Salmon Trout Steelheader, Western Outdoors, Fly Fisherman, Fly Fusion, Midwest Fly Fishing, Hatches and Just Jazz Guitar.

The fall 1996 issue of Fly Tying magazine contained a feature article about Skip titled "Skip Morris, the Man in the Painting."

Skip's original fly patterns are tied and distributed by the Solitude Fly Company of Alhambra, California. Their current catalog contains around 30 of Skip's patterns, many in several sizes. "The Fly Shop" in California—one of the major fly-fishing mail-order houses—carries several of Skip's patterns in its catalog and on its website.

He is the instructor on six videos and has worked in radio and television as both a fly-fishing host and celebrity guest.

He lives with his wife, Carol, amid the rivers and lakes and saltwater beaches of Washington State's wild and magnificent Olympic Peninsula.


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