Rene Limeres
Fly Fisher/Guide/Fly Tier/Writer
Rene Limeres has been involved in Alaska flyfishing for almost twenty five years. Originally from the East Coast, he came up to the Last Frontier in the late 70's to pursue a guiding and outdoors writing career.
Since then, Rene Limeres has led hundreds of fishing trips across the remoteness of southwest Alaska and Russia's Far East.
Listen to Rene Limeres's Shows...
Siberian Taimen The Legend Of Russia's Rivers
Rene Limeres has spent hundreds of hours guiding and fishing for the legendary taimen in Russia. Learn from Rene about this unusual fish and what it takes to hook and land fish that can get up to 200 pounds.
Kamchatka - Trout Fishing's Next Frontier
Rene Limeres a professional guide takes you to Kamchatka where there are still more fish than people. It may be the next and last frontier for fly fishers seeking huge trout and salmon. Join Rene and discover what it takes to land the big ones in Russia.
His articles and photographs have appeared in all the major sporting magazines; he has given seminars on fly fishing Alaska and Russia at sports shows, universities, fly clubs and other venues, and as editor and publisher of Alaska Fishing:The Ultimate Angler's Guide, third edition, he has created what many consider to be the Alaska fishing "Bible".
Rene Limeres currently resides with his family just north of Anchorage, Alaska.
For more information on Rene's guide services visit his web site at