Pierce Clegg
Fly FIsher, Guide, Author
Piece Clegg guided for 30 years on the world famous upper Babine River, this one river life of owning and operating a semi-wilderness tourism business has left Pierce with an amazing memoir of memories specific to the Babine. What was it like and how did he get there are the usual questions plus the incredible trout and steelhead fisheries make living and working in such a place legendary.
Now the author of a second book about Babine, Pierce also explains the challenging road of stewardship for a wild eco system supporting Grizzly bears, salmon and so many other values. A familiar heart breaking story of losing special values in the name of progress, will we ever learn the lessons and change our ways? And for all those steelhead junkies who have long dreamed about making a trip to Babine, the steelhead experiences there are hard to believe world records, waking fly madness and wrecked reels, rods and angler - a river of steelhead lore and legend.