
Mike Kephart

Fly Fisher/Fly Tier/Author

Mike Kephart has 20 years of hiking and fishing experience throughout the Rocky Mountains. His most recent book, The Flyfisher’s Guide to Colorado’s Lost Lakes and Secret Places, is the result of all that experience.

Mike's not finished - as long as there’s a canyon with a lake that I have yet to explore that’s where you will find me.

Listen to Mike Kephart's Show...

Colorado's Lost Lakes and Secret Places

Mike Kephart gives you the scoop on which Colorado mountain and wilderness lakes and creeks fish well, how to get there, the difficulty of access, and what you can expect to catch. Join us as we explore these lost lakes and secret places.

He was raised in Perryville, a small town in Southern Missouri and learned to respect the land and the animals that share the earth with us. He hunted the surrounding woods and fished the streams and ponds. The hunting is behind him, though he still enjoys solo hiking expeditions into the mountain wildernesses of Colorado for a little fly fishing.

His first book was published in 2010. The book includes his learning experiences in designing homes for the over 50 and it includes many new community concepts he's discovered.

Sustainability is a passion of his that has found a new direction in the design and development of communities. Compact Cities have been a belief of his that has long led him to efforts to create ways for people to live more closely together while maintaining their own personal identity, privacy and sense of security. Other cultures around the world are way ahead of us but we haven’t faced the same land constraints as them until now. Compact cities are a concept related to sustainability. The more people learn to live comfortably in cities, the more wild land is left for all of us to enjoy.


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