
Jason Booth

Fly Fisher/Fly Tier/Guide

Jason Booth, co-owner of Gunnison River Guides, has been a professional fly fishing guide for 23 years on the Gunnison and Taylor Rivers. Jason Booth grew up on a trout stream in northern Michigan and had an extreme passion for fishing the Great Lakes and their tributaries, especially for Coaster Browns and Steelhead.

On the Gunnison River Jason has taken over 3000 floats on commercial fly trips; that’s about 6000 people he’s taken fly fishing.

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Fly Fishing the Gunnison River

Jason Booth has guided over 6,000 fly fishers down the Gunnison River over the past 23 years so he knows this river like the back of his hand, maybe better. Join us to learn about the secrets of the Gunnison River in Colorado - where to go and how to fish it.

Jason Booth has been featured in Southwest Fly Fishing</em?, including 2013 editions for May, July and September; titles, “High Altitude Angling in the Elk Mountains”, “A Rocky Mountain Valley Teeming with Trout”, “Scenic Canyon Fishing with a Big Fish Bonus” each with renown angler and photographer Jason Stemple. Jason Booth has also been in Fly Fisherman magazine’s cover article and centerfold “Falling in Love with the Gunnison,” in January 2015, another Stemple production of text and photos.

Respected guides Pat Dorsey and Landon Mayer both recognize and cite Jason Booth’s wisdom in their admired books: Colorado's Best Fly Fishing: Flies, Access, and Guide's Advice for the State's Premier Rivers (Headwater Guides), by Landon Mayer in 2011 and Dorsey’s 2015 release, Colorado Guide Flies: Patterns, Rigs, and Advice from the State's Best Anglers and Guides.

Jason’s extensive time on the water made him a true expert on the Gunnison River. He loves fly fishing and teaching people how to do it. Jason sees all the hatches and the river and knows which flies work best for them.

Jason Booth is a fishy guy. And, when you look at the recipe that makes the man, you’re going to have that…Take one part Chockoloskee, 1 part Polish perseverance, 1 part “up north” Michigan, 1 part Rocky Mountain local and you’ve got a recipe for a fellow so fishy, one friend observes, “Booth could catch a fish in a mud puddle.”


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