
Gary Borger

Fly Fisher/Fly Tier/Author

Gary Borger holds a BS (1966), and an MS (1968) from Penn State University and a Ph.D. from the University of Wisconsin-Madison (1971). He is Professor Emeritus of Biology at the University of Wisconsin Campus in Wausau where he taught for 28 years. During his teaching career he taught Botany, Zoology lab, Natural History Photography, Writing in the Sciences, Ecology, Taxonomy, and other topics. He was presented with the Teacher of the Year Award on two different occasions. His achievements have been recognized in "Who's Who," The Millennium Edition of Strathmore's Who's Who," "Who's Who in the Midwest," "Who's Who in Science and Engineering," "Men of Achievement," the "Dictionary of International Biography," "Who's Who Among America's Teacher's," "Outstanding People of the 20th Century," and "Outstanding People of the Millennium."

Listen to Gary Borger's Shows...

Designing Trout Flies

Gary Borger literally wrote the book on designing trout flies so he knows his subject well. Gary's background as a biologist provides him with an approach to designing flies that few fly fishers can claim. Join Gary to find out what makes a fly a successful fly that can catch fish.

Fly Fishing the Film

Gary Borger covers the skills necessary for successfully fly fishing the film. Learn from Gary as he reveals the secrets of increasing your odds of hooking up at the surface.

Reading Waters

Gary Borger explains the characteristics of moving water examining the three types of lies and how to identify and fish them from small streams to massive rivers. He also takes the mystery out of reading lakes and ocean flats.

Long Flies for Big Fish

Gary Borger knows that fishing long flies holds the greatest opportunity for the fly rodder to take big fish in any water type. Listen in to find out Gary’s secrets about long flies and how to fish them including tactics such as the Broadside Float, the Leisenring Lift, Shotgunning, the Jigging Swing, and many other methods.

The Angler as Predator

Gary Borger explores the angler as predator. As successful fly fishers, we need to play the role of the predator, focusing closely on the fish’s ability to sense its environment. What kind of predator are you? Join us and find out...

Fly Gear

Gary Borger discusses the how, when, where and why to develop the ideal equipment selection strategy for your fly fishing. Whether it be rod action, flexion profile, reel characteristics or leader construction Gary has an opinion based on a lifetime of experience, listen in and hear what he has to say.

The Perfect Cast

Gary Borger is a master caster and well-known on the Fly Fishing Show circuit for his simple explanations and fly-casting demonstrations. Gary presents casting development and skill acquisition, from rod grips to highly detailed descriptions of the three core methods of fly casting. He also details the essential Acceleration, Loop Formation, and Energy Transfer (A.L.E.) plus much, much more. Listen in and I know your casting will improve.

Just a few of the questions asked and answered during the interview:

  • What is a Perfect Cast?
  • What are the two cardinal rules of fly casting?
  • What are some effective ways to practice casting?
  • What rod grips are most commonly used?
  • What stances should you use when casting?
  • What is A.L.E?
  • When doing a forward cast, do you break your wrist at the end of your cast?
  • How do you control your loop?
  • What should your line managing hand be doing when you are casting?
  • What is the best way to cast a weighted nymph rig?
  • How much line should you have out when casting?
  • What is the best way to pick up line out of the water?
  • What is the best way to mend your line?
  • Why do you need to be able to cast more than 40 feet?

Gary is one of the world's foremost fly fishing educators. He has been a fly fisher since 1955, and since 1972 has taught classes and lectured internationally on all aspects of fly fishing for trout and salmon. A free-lance writer and photographer. He is Editor at large for Fly Fisherman magazine, and the Virtual Fly Shop. He has written nine best-selling books on fly fishing, including "Nymphing," "Naturals," "The Borger Color System," "Designing Trout Flies," "Presentation, and four new books in the Fly Fishing series": Fishing the Film, Reading Waters, Long Flies, and The Angler as Predator (available at Gary Borger Enterprises).

Gary Borger pioneered fly fishing video instruction with his release of "Nymphing" in 1982. Since then he has appeared in four videos for the 3M Company; and in cooperation with the Federation of Fly Fishers, produced the environmental video "Where The Trout Are." His video production company has produced an additional 17, internationally acclaimed videos in the "Skills of Fly Fishing Series." In addition he has appeared in TV productions on ESPN and OLN. This production work has earned him a listing in "Who's Who in Entertainment." Gary was also a consultant on Robert Redford's movie "A River Runs Through It."

With his award-winning CD/cassette tape, "My Madison," he pioneered fly fishing, nature-music audios (available at iTunes).

In addition, Gary is a the designer of the Weinbrenner Ultimate Wading Shoe, the Gary Borger Fly Vest, the Gary Borger Signature Fly Lines, and many other innovative angling products and unique fly designs.

He is a founding board member of the River Alliance of Wisconsin, a founding member of the Board of Governors of the Federation of Fly Fisher's fly casting instructor certification program, a member of The Order of the Jungle Cock, Trout Unlimited, United Fly Tyers, the Federation of Fly Fishers, and other conservation organizations. He is a recipient of the Ross Allen Merigold Complete Angler Memorial Award, the Charles K. Fox Rising Trout Award, the Joan and Lee Wullf Conservation award, and others, and is internationally recognized for his conservation efforts; in recognition of this work he received the first Lew Jewett Memorial Life Membership in the Federation of Fly Fishers in 1979.

For more information on Gary's artwork, writing, books and appearances visit his web site at


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