Federation of Fly Fishers
The Federation of Fly Fishers changed their name, they are now called Fly Fishers International.
Listen to Federation of Fly Fishers's Shows...
Federation of Fly Fishers - An In-Depth Look
Peter Van Gytenbeek and Ron Cordes have been on the board of directors for the Federation of Fly Fishers since 2003. Their passion and enthusiasm for the FFF is hard to match. Van and Ron answer questions about the FFF, their role in the fly fishing world and their goals and ambitions as an organization. Whether you're a member or not listen to this podcast to find out what this fine organization is doing for you.
Federation of Fly Fishers 2006 Conclave
The 2006 Conclave of the Federation of Fly Fishers was held July 27-29 in Bozeman, Montana. Over 100 educational opportunities were presented including classroom presentations, on-stream sessions, and dryland casting instruction. Special live on-the-spot interviews were recorded at the main Conclave venue. Hear what is being accomplished by Project Healing Waters and Family Tyes. Find out how an active club like the Boise Valley Fly Fishers supports FFF. Hear Federation President Peter Van Gytenbeek's summary of the Conclave events.