
Bryan Whiting

Fly Fisher/Fly Tier

Bryan Whiting is in his 32nd year of teaching high school in Glenwood Springs Colorado. He teaches Junior and Senior students in Marketing, Entrepreneurship and Economics. He has written two textbooks in this area and is one of the original leaders in the development and implementation of Mastery Learning and Standards Based Education which is now extensively utilized in both Colorado and the United States. However, today he is not going to teach us about marketing and he promised there won't be a test at the end of the program.

Listen to Bryan Whiting's Show...

Planning the Fly Fishing Trip of a Lifetime to Alaska

Bryan Whiting, a high school teacher in Colorado, had dreamed of fishing in Alaska with his boys. Actually going, however, just seemed beyond the possible. How do I make the time? Where do I specifically go? When do I go? What do I ask when deciding between lodges, camps or guides? How do I make sure I don't get ripped off? What equipment do I need? Bryan will share his experience in getting the answers to these questions and many more on this show.

Bryan WhitingBryan has fly fished for over 50 years. Growing up on a ranch in Cody Wyoming, Bryan was fortunate to grow up exploring, fly fishing Yellowstone Park and the surrounding area with his father who always took the time to take him fishing. Even after moving to Colorado, the Whiting family still spends a couple of weeks fishing in Yellowstone each summer. Over the years the family has floated, hiked and fished all over the Rocky Mtn area from Montana to Lee's Ferry, Gray's Reef to the Green River in addition to their home waters of the Roaring Fork and Frying Pan.

Like most avid fly fisherman, Bryan had dreamed of fishing in Alaska. He had read the articles in fishing magazines, seen the Saturday morning fishing shows, gone to the fishing shows in Denver. Actually going, however, just seemed beyond the possible. How do I make the time? How do I justify spending that kind of money beyond just catching fish? Where do I specifically go? When do I go? What do I ask when deciding between lodges, camps or guides? How do I make sure I don't get ripped off? What equipment do I need? All these questions and more made it feel overwhelming to get beyond the dream stage.

Bryan WhitingFinally in 2004, Bryan and his two teenage sons did go to Alaska and had a great fishing as well as father /son experience. So memorable was the trip, their "once in a lifetime" trip spawned a return trip along with "Mom" in 2006 with another trip already booked for early July 2008. Bryan will talk and answer your questions about how he finally made the trip happen, how he dealt with the above issues, what he learned from these trips and how you can plan and enjoy a memorable Alaska fishing trip.
Since his trips, Bryan has given several slide presentations to TU chapters and other area civic organizations. People respond well to his presentations because they go beyond the usual "pretty pictures of big fish" and focus how to deal with the above issues and generate a "why to go, a need to go" beyond just catching these big fish.


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