Ben Duchesney
Fly Fisher/Writer/Author
Ben Duschesney has been doomed to be a writer since before he could spell; interviewing family members and scribbling nonsense to record their answers. Since, he's learned to spell and somewhere along the line picked up a camera. Now he's afflicted by multiple art forms, never really satisfied unless he's white-knuckle busy creating something.
Listen to Ben Duchesney's Show...
Kayak Fly Fishing
Ben Duchesney will share the secrets to fly fishing from kayaks from choosing the right boat and gear to paddle strokes, casting and line management. Whether you paddle warmwater, coldwater or saltwater you're bound to learn some strategies and tactics you can use on your next outing.
He's the author of Kayak Fly Fishing, a freelance content creator, freelance marketing, and currently, the content marketing manager for Endurance International Group, Inc. He continues to freelance with any free time he finds for various publications such as Field & Stream, American Angler, Kayak Angler Magazine, Bassin' Magazine, and more.
He's always looking to create new partnerships with brands or companies who want to tell a good story and enjoy creating it.
To learn more about Ben and his work visit