Using Fly Fishing to Help Stop Poverty & Human Trafficking
Bucky Buchstaber
Fly Fisher,
Bucky is the Founder and Executive Director of Fly Fishing Collaborative. The collaborative has been mobilizing the fly fishing community since 2013 to create sustainable solutions to stop poverty & human trafficking around the world. This non-profit helps communities build environmentally safe and sustainable aquaponics farms for orphanages and schools preventing kids from entering human trafficking. Join us to learn how these farms are built and how you might help the cause. Visit the Fly Fishing Collaborative website to learn more about what they do and how you can help.
Just a few of the questions asked and answered during the interview:
- What is the mission of the Fly Fishing Collaborative?
- What motivated you to start FFC?
- What does FFC actually do?
- Why did you use fly fishing as a means to your fundraising?
- What are your methods of fundraising?
- What is aquaponics farming?
- Who builds the farms?
- What foods are harvested from the farms?
- How does building an aquaponics farm help stop poverty and human trafficking?
- What authors do you look to for their writing skills and style?
- How can the fly fishing community help your organization make difference?
Learn more about Bucky Buchstaber...