
Reviews for Nymph, Brush and Night Fishing for Trout

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Great show tonight!
- Brad Kohlbrecher

I really enjoyed listening to Joe and you as well. Nymping is something I truely strugle with and I like learning whenever I can from anyone. GREAT SHOW!
- Phil Pankow

This was a great show. Very good, but to short. Thanks for all the information.
- Frank Herwatt

This show was very helpful. Joe is full of wisdom and insight! I will be trying out that tuck cast that Joe explained since I fish water with a lot of boulders! Must have him back on the show.
- Brandon Matthews

Great to hear from the the true legends of the sport. I hope I can do what he does at his age.
- Gary Nelson

Great show. Always enjoy the webcasts. Now...I just need to win a prize.
- John Parrish

I'm not sure what he meant by the bow & arrow cast. Also his setup on leaders from one gage to another and then down to two x and then to 4 x ???? plus tippets.. and night fishing is the way to go. I've been there. And He is right. I like Joe have fished some years as well, not as old thou.
- Paul Boyce

It was very difficult to follow along as I am a novice. It would be nice to have a power point presentation to go along with the talk so you could see examples of the flies he was talking about and maybe some photos of the techniques.
- Gerry Goz

I enjoyed the show, I always seem to learn something new. I submitted a question during the show that I wished had been answered. "When do you choose to use beadhead flies and when not. I was not thinking for weight purposes only.
- Walt Cole

I thought it was a very good show. Although as always Joe can get a little long winded. hehe. I believe that all the right questions were answered. Keep up the good work!
- Bryan Sanders

I listened to the entire show. It was most helpful and enjoyable. Looking forward to next week.
- Norman Jackson

Excellent show. Joe was even better than I expected and I had high expectations to begin with. I have the opportunity to attend one of his trainings this Spring,and I can hadly wait.
- Rich Danilchak

Joe Humphreys was great! It was definitely one of the better shows i listened to- there is nothing like a classic!
- David Capone

Mr Humphreys shared a wealth of information. Very enjoyable.
- Jerry Hopewell

Roger - Great show! What a wealth and life time of information Joe has. I plan on going back an listening to it again.
- David Rosset

It was a pleasure to hear Mr. Humphreys advice and stories. Bring him back soon!
- Thomas Sipe

The show was great! Thanks again for the chance to ask your guests the different questions.
- Gary Powell

Excellent show. Too little time for all the knowledge Joe can share. Bring him back for another show.
- Joe Morgan

A great informative show ! Joe has a wealth if information to share. Please get him on again soon !
- Grant Dixon

Great show.
- Allen Schaugaard

I never get tired of listening to Joe. I have to admit I miss him very much at the Pasadena Fly Show. One of my greatest hopes it that one day I'll stand by his side and fish, even if it is for a few minutes. This was one of the best shows to date... Bar None
- Ariel Levin

Great show. Joe said he didn't know where to find lead foil. Wine bottles. And it is OK to use red wine for fish. ;)
- Kit Anderson

Great Show! I'm planning to test out Joe's tips tonight! keep up the good work
- James McLaughlin

Hi Roger, I listened to your show featuring Joe Humphreys. Let me just say it was SUPER!!! I frequently read fly fishing books and have a pretty good library ( I ditched the cable bill $$ years ago and allocate my savings to purchase fishing literature). Joe did not just give a verbal rendition of his books as many do ... (not that its a bad thing) but expanded on them and added fresh insights as well. He is a MUST for another show. Guys like this are priceless!!! We will never have another Joe Humphreys!!
- Kenneth Marek


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