
Fly Fisher's Guide to New England

By Lou Zambello

Provides all the information to improve your catch rate in Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont and Massachusetts. 650 rivers and streams and 500 lakes and ponds throughout New EnglandFull color maps, GPS coordinates, access points and much more. 80+ photos, 60+ maps; 8.5x11.5 inches, 250+ pgs.


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A completely new edition, this is one of the best books on fishing New England- bar none. Whether your target is landlocked or migratory Atlantic salmon, striped or smallmouth bass, brook trout, or even rainbow & brown trout, Flyfisher's Guide to New England should be included in your travel bag. The author leads you through a detailed description on all the major waters in Vermont, New Hampshire, & Maine. Along with accurate & detailed maps this guide includes timings of seasonal trout, striped bass, and salmon runs, hatch charts and area information. Hub city information includes motel suggestions, auto rental & repair, restaurants, & a listing of fly shops & outfitters. This book is a comprehensive guide to fly fishing in the great northeast.

Lou Zambello provides all the information required for you find and successfully fish hundreds of waters in Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont and Masschusetts. Full-color maps accompany the fisheries, complete with GPS coordinates,access points, public land, access roads, boat ramps (including small hand launches), parking areas, named holes and pools and more. Many flyfishers flock to the same well-known waters that are written about again and again and face crowded conditions. Yet there are hundreds of productive waters that are ignored. Zambello, who has spent over 30 years fishing in New England, teamed with former Maine State Fisheries Director John Boland and other experts to cover many of these great uncrowded waters in the Flyfisher's Guide to New England. Lou spent the last several years criss-crossing New England researching this book, a review of many hundreds of both popular and unknown, moving and stillwaters in Maine, New Hampshire,Vermont, and Massachusetts. Includes recommended flyfishing vacations, easy-access spots, and beginner suggestions. Following Wilderness Adventures Press' tradition of creating the best flyfishing guidebooks, the new full-color 8.5x11 Flyfisher's Guide to New England will help you get your own piece of fishing heaven. Also check out Zambello's first book, Flyfishing Northern New England's Seasons: How to fish ice-out, hatch season, summer, the fall spawning run, and winter.


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