This episode of Fish Eye is all about getting that rod bent. Our aim is to entertain, inspire and educate. The crew at Burl Productions has gone through great length to once again bring you some amazing footage of some very talented anglers and the fish they have dedicated their lives to chasing. Our “Get Bent” intro focuses on capturing some of the moments in fly-fishing that make your heart beat faster and your palms start sweating. Then we give the viewer a glimpse into the lives of three California anglers: Loren Elliott is a young and very enthusiastic angler with a talent for fooling fish. Mikey Wier brings you along on his adventure, on the way to catching one of the biggest wild rainbow trout ever caught on the fly in California. Photographer/fisherman Kevin Price shows how good the North Feather river can be mid summer. Then Fish Eye treats you to a visual essay on fishing “Ice Off” in the high country. Also we have a spot check on Heenen Lake and the California Heritage trout, the Lahontan Cutthroat, that live there. Our bonus video includes: Tarpon, Bonefish and Permit fishing with Justin Rea at Stingrea Charters out of Key West Florida, Fly-fishing the RED ZONE with Alec Griffin and friends, and a look at the Sage Fly Rod factory.
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