Discoveries...Argentina, Golden Dorado & Life In The North
Argentina is a land of contrasts …A complex tapestry of modern and that less so.
Explore the wonders of Northern Argentina...The culture, history and outdoor adventure located in this unique corner of South America. This captivating documentary follows the pursuit of a freshwater gamefish native to Argentina called the Golden Dorado, and travels throughout the region in exploration of the rich cultural diversity of the Argentine people.
Golden Dorado & Life In The North provides an exciting experience of technique and patience in the catch-and-release pursuit of the Golden Dorado known for its ferocious behavior, with sizes ranging from a few pounds to over 60. Viewers will also gain a fascinating glimpse of rural life in northern Argentina, with video essays on the gauchos of Corrientes as they herd their cattle, the bustling city of Salta, strolling the local markets of Jujuy, exploring Posadas and the ruins of San Ignacio Mini, marvel at Itati (the world ’s largest domed basilica-second only to the Vatican), meet with a village furniture maker in Machagay, and experience the unique grace, colors and artistry of the Argentine original dance...the Tango, in cosmopolitan Buenos Aires.
Golden Dorado & Life In The North provides rich cultural insight, outdoor adventure and spectacular photography of this intriguing Argentine region.
This is the latest installment of a continuing series of new documentary programs produced by internationally recognized documentarians Jim and Kelly Watt of Bennett-Watt HD Productions. The award winning series, titled “Discoveries...”, is produced in Widescreen Digital High Definition (HD) format to provide the highest quality in picture and sound available. Each episode travels to locations throughout the world and provides in-depth views
into life, culture, history, nature and adventure of foreign lands.
Available on DVD and VHS
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