Edited and with an introduction by Karen Wylie Pryor
From battling giant tuna off Bimini to casting for bonefish in the Keys, this superb collection of stories demonstrates every thrill fishing in Florida has to offer.
“Crunch and Des, the heroes of these stories, chase sailfish, tarpon, barracuda, sharks, and even giant jewfish, and their adventures inspired generations of followers. The plain truth is: they don’t write ’em like this anymore.”—Tom Paugh, Sports Afield
“Having missed these warm-hearted stories the first time around is to have missed knowing a wonderful part of a far less cynical America where the good guy won and the future was boundless.”
—Jerry Gibbs, Outdoor Life magazine
Philip Wylie’s immensely popular stories about saltwater fishing are filled with excitement, the thrill of marine sport, and shrewd character studies. The author’s daughter, Karen Wylie Pryor, put this full and thoughtful collection together. In her introduction she writes: “For the reader about to breathe Wylie’s velvet air, hear the chug of charter boat engines, and cross the bridge of indigo-blue of the Gulf Stream for the first time—I envy you.”
Philip Wylie was the author of such books as Finnley Wren, Gladiator, and Generation of Vipers.
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