# Includes internationally-recognized researchers, managers, & anglers as contributors
# Gives the current status & historical perspectives on fisheries worldwide
# Examines biology, resource ecology, & life history & population dynamics
# Explores conservation impacts of programs such as catch-and-release fishing
# Suggests future ecosystem monitoring, management practices, & research efforts towards sustainable use of these valuable fishery resources
The core of a multibillion dollar sport fishing industry, tarpon & bonefish, two of the earth’s oldest creatures, are experiencing obvious & precipitous population decline. Experienced anglers in the Florida Keys suggest a drop of approximately 90-95 percent for the bonefish population over the last 65 years. Despite the economic value of the industry & scientific value of these ancient fish, very little information is available about their movements & migrations, population dynamics, life histories, & reproductive habits.
With contributions from some of the world’s leading experts, Biology & Management of the World Tarpon & Bonefish Fisheries synthesizes existing scientific literature, presents new perspectives, & introduces original scientific research to guide fishery management & conservation efforts for building sustainable fisheries. Divided into five sections, the book begins with an overview of the state of the world’s fisheries for tarpon & bonefish. The second section reviews the biology & life history dynamics of these fish with contributions on conservation genetics, reproductive biology & early life development, as well as resolving gaps in evolutionary lineage & taxonomy. Covering population dynamics & resource ecology, the third section discusses migratory patterns & the use of tagging. Highlighting the lore & appeal of these fascinating sport fish, the book concludes by introducing a myriad of proposals designed to improve fishery sustainability by conducting census, enforcing catch-and-release programs, & supporting science-based management decision making.
Promoting a better understanding of the biological & fishery management issues that are paramount to the sustainable future of these valuable fishery resources, Biology & Management of the World Tarpon & Bonefish Fisheries provides a foundation for discussion & broad communication about the past present & future of these magnificent sport fish.
Jerald S. Ault University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida, USA
Table of Contents
World Fisheries for Tarpon and Bonefish
Indo-Pacific Tarpon Megalops cyprinoides: A Review and Ecological Assessment, J.A. Ley
Biology and Ecology of the Recreational Bonefish Fishery at Palmyra Atoll National Wildlife Refuge with Comparisons to Other Pacific Islands, A.M. Friedlander, J.E. Caselle, J. Beets, C.G. Lowe, B.W. Bowen, T.K. Ogawa, K.M. Kelley, T. Calitri, M. Lange, and B.S. Anderson
The Louisiana Recreational Tarpon Fishery, W. Dailey, A.M. Landry Jr., and F.L. Kenyon, II
Insight into the Historical Status and Trends of Tarpon in Southwest Florida through Recreational Catch Data Recorded on Scales, S.A. Bortone
Ecology and Management of Bonefish (Albula spp.) in the Bahamian Archipelago, A.J. Danylchuk, S.E. Danylchuk, S.J. Cooke, T.L. Goldberg, J. Koppelman, and D.P. Philipp
Coastal Ecosystem Management to Support Bonefish and Tarpon Sportfishing in Peninsula de Zapata National Park, Cuba, L. Viñola Valadez, L. Cotayo Cedeño, and N. Zurcher
Tarpon and Bonefish Fishery on Turneffe Atoll, Belize, J.T. Pritchett
Aspects of the Biology and Recreational Fishery of Bonefish (Albula vulpes) from Los Roques Archipelago National Park, Venezuela, J. M. Posada, D. Debrot, and C. Weinberger
The Nigerian Tarpon: Resource Ecology and Fishery, P.E. Anyanwu and K. Kusemiju
Biology and Life History Dynamics
Studies in Conservation Genetics of Tarpon (Megalops atlanticus): Microsatellite Variation across the Distribution ofthe Species, R. Ward, I.R. Blandon, F. García de León, S. J. Robertson, A.M. Landry Jr., A. O. Anyanwu, J.M. Shenker, M. Figuerola, T. C. Gesteira, A. Zerbi, C. D. Acuña Leal, and W. Dailey
Resolving Evolutionary Lineages and Taxonomy of Bonefishes (Albula spp.), B.W. Bowen, S.A. Karl, and E. Pfeiler
Ecology of Bonefish during the Transition from Late-Larvae to Early Juveniles, C. Dahlgren, J.M. Shenker, and R. Mojica
Physiological Ecology of Developing Bonefish Larvae, E. Pfeiler
Reproductive Biology of Atlantic Tarpon Megalops atlanticus, J.D. Baldwin and D. Snodgrass
Rethinking the Status of Albula spp. Biology in the Caribbean and Western Atlantic, A.J. Adams, R.K. Wolfe, M.D. Tringali, E.M. Wallace, and G.T. Kellison
Population Dynamics and Resource Ecology
Population Dynamics and Resource Ecology of Atlantic Tarpon and Bonefish, J.S. Ault, R. Humston, M.F. Larkin, E. Perusquia, N.A. Farmer, J. Luo, N. Zurcher, S.G. Smith, L.R. Barbieri, and J.M. Posada
A Preliminary Otolith Microchemical Examination of the Diadromous Migrations of Atlantic Tarpon Megalops atlanticus, R.J. Brown and K.P. Severin
Seasonal Migratory Patterns and Vertical Habitat Utilization of Atlantic Tarpon (Megalops atlanticus) from Satellite PAT Tags, J. Luo, J.S. Ault, M.F. Larkin, R. Humston, and D.B. Olson
Tagging of Bonefish in South Florida to Study Population Movements and Stock Dynamics, M.F. Larkin, J.S. Ault, R. Humston, J. Luo, and N. Zurcher
Lore and Appeal of Fishing for Tarpon and Bonefish
Bonefish Are Without Question My Favorite Fly Rod Quarry, S. Moret
Record Tarpon on a Fly Rod, S.C. Apte
Learning from History, B. Stearns
Memories of the Florida Keys: Tarpon and Bonefish Like it Used To Be!, M. Sosin
Ecosystem-Based Management and Sustainable Fisheries
National Parks and the Conservation of Bonefish and Tarpon Fisheries, J.T. Tilmant
Improving the Sustainability of Catch-and-Release Bonefish (Albula spp.) Fisheries: Insights for Anglers, Guides, and Fisheries Managers, S.J. Cooke and D.P. Philipp
Florida Keys Bonefish Population Census, J.S. Ault, S. Moret, J. Luo, M.F. Larkin, N. Zurcher, and S.G. Smith
Science in Support of Management Decision Making for Bonefish and Tarpon Conservation in Florida, L.R. Barbieri, J.S. Ault, and R.E. Crabtree
How to Get the Support of Recreational Anglers, D. Kelly
Sustaining Tarpon and Bonefish Fisheries: Scientists and Anglers Working Together, M. Sosin
Incorporating User-Group Expertise in Bonefish and Tarpon Fishery Research to Support Science-Based Management Decision Making, R. Humston, J.S. Ault, J. Schratwieser, M.F. Larkin, and J. Luo
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