
A Casting Approach to Flyfishing to Catch Fish, Not Just to Cast

By Joe Humphreys

Employs the basic casting techniques that can get you into fish: nymphing, dryfly, brush casts that are absolutely necessary in the pursuit of game fish. Features a concept mostly overlooked in today's instructional pursuits. This format, the fundamentals of casting, can enhance anyone's success with a flyrod in the pursuit of game fish. If you really want to catch fish under all conditions you have to adjust to the circumstances before you & apply the techniques needed. 60 min.


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ISBN: 0-0JH-00075-0


Binding: DVD

Publish Date: 31/07/2004

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Joe Humphrey's Casting Approach to Flyfishing to Catch Fish, Not Just Cast features a concept mostly overlooked in today's instructional pursuits. This format, the fundamentals of casting, is not structured just for adults but children as well & can enhance anyone's success with a flyrod in the pursuit of game fish.

From childhood to adulthood my casting approach to flyfishing has undergone some drastic changes; mainly brought about by necessity, adjusting to the challenging conditions astream. From the metronome, back & forth wrist motion as a child, my casting stroke has over the years shortened, at times to an almost imperceptible squeeze for the stroke. The reason being the techniques needed to catch fish demand the short casting stroke. The slack leader cast for the dry fly, the downer & upper & the tuck cast for nymphing, and the tight brush conditions all of these approaches are impossible to perform with a long casting stroke.

Yet the mentality of a great majority of the flyfishers of this nation have a mind set...the 10:00 to 2:00 casting stroke, locked wrist & a greater use of the arm in casting. Tournament casters, many guides East & West, and those who embrace the tradition of the sport have been conditioned by past teachings still promote & endorse this style; and yes, it is casting, line control & loop control, and if you have plenty of casting freedom, fish can be caught. But if you really want to catch fish under all conditions you have to adjust to the circumstances before you and apply the techniques needed. This was my motivation for this video, I want to see more people enjoy catching more fish, and to simplify casting so that it can be enjoyed & performed by children as well as adults in the pursuits of fish...not just casting.

"I met Joe on the stream when he was a young lad, we've fished together for over 60 years. He is the best flyfisherman I know."
--George Harvey

Joe Humphreys
, a veteran of over 65 years of flyfishing experience, referred to as the Angling Professor, retired from Penn State University after 20 years. He is author of Trout Tactics On the Trout Stream, creator of A Casting Approach to Nymphing Tactics, A Casting Approach to Dry Fly Tactics in Tight Brush, The Night Game, and now, Casting Approach to Flyfishing to Catch Fish, Not Just Cast.

Additional information

Weight 0.2125 lbs
Dimensions 7.4 × 5.3 × 0.6 in


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